

Life for me used to be chaotic. Today, the world is in turmoil. Now, more than ever, I am grateful for the lessons I learned in relation to managing chaos of all shapes and sizes. These lessons equipped me to thrive – not just survive – in our hectic world.

I want to share with you my journey, my search for stillness and the success that I found from the Calm State I am able to achieve. This has had a profound effect in both my personal and professional life.

These practices have led me to discovering peace, elevated joy, and true happiness. They have also provided me with the resources to grow and fully experience amazing moments.

I hope by sharing my journey, I inspire you to choose courage and dare greatly to embark on your own journey. Regardless of what society tells us – we all have choices in life – I hope to help you be bold enough to make the right choices for you, which intuitively you already know.

So, today, and every day, I will ask you this – if you are your life’s choices, are you happy with them? Are your choices helping you live the life you desire? It’s time to get still… the true answers are there in silence. Are you ready to Get There?

You are not alone in your journey!

The mission of this channel is to be a resource for YOU – the adventurer having this experience, trying to balance success in the material world while embracing an authentic, centered life.

My First Meditation

A lot of people ask me about meditation and how to start a meditation practice. They seem to be nervous about starting and think that they have to find a completely quiet place to sit, that they will have no thoughts for the entire time and anything less than that is failure. It is with that thought process that people become overwhelmed and never start.

To help alleviate those misconceptions, I want to share with you my first real meditation, all of the noise I heard and the thoughts I had.

If you find this video useful, please share it with a friend that would benefit from hearing it.

If you’d like to grab a copy of my book “Get There! Chart Your Course to Financial Abundance and Live the Life You Desire,” click here.

5 Reasons to Meditate

In this video I discuss 5 reasons why people begin a meditation practice.

Starting Today!

With so many people feeling overwhelmed, isolated and struggling to find motivation, I wanted to help. I decided to start this channel to do just that. To share the techniques I’ve learned that have helped me and countless others cut through the noise, find meaning and take action toward the success we desire. I look forward to taking this journey with you!